Category Archives: Uncategorized

We Is Better Than Me

WE IS BETTER THAN ME Last weekend I was reminded how true is the statement “We is better than me.” A team of about 15 classmates took on all the tasks of providing a three-day 55th Reunion for our high school class. Together we created a marvelous weekend with our classmates. There is no way

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Climbing a Hill

CLIMBING A HILL I had a dream the other night in which a steep hill stood in front of me. For some reason, I wanted to climb that hill and get to the top. Then I noticed a woman sliding down the hill right toward me. Fortunately, she landed on her feet. “It is too

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Today is: The Last Day

TODAY IS: THE LAST DAY Today is the last day of the first part of your life. Live it with all the commitment that endings demand. The past is past. You might remember it. But, you cannot relive it. Say goodbye. Let it go. Release it. Decide that it is over. You can learn from

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Today Is: The First Day

TODAY IS: THE FIRST DAY Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Live it with all the hope that new beginnings bring. You and I will never live this day again. It is unique and precious. Right now is really all we have. Take a look around. What are you seeing?

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All Hallow’s Eve (Halloween)

ALL HALLOWS EVE (Halloween) I remember being a box of Tide for Halloween once.  The costume was quite uncomfortable, my body in a big empty box of detergent. Head hands and feet poking out of holes in the box.   I couldn’t sit down. Barbara and I enjoyed being in Boulder, Colorado with our grandchildren, downtown,

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No Es Facil

NO ES FACIL It has been 104 days now since I started re-learning Spanish. Every day I spend about 30 minutes listening to, speaking, learning new words, and trying to get the grammar. No es facil. It’s not easy. There are parts of Spanish that I find easy. Pronunciation for one. Every vowel has one

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What Does Faith Have to Do With Work?

WHAT DOES FAITH HAVE TO DO WITH WORK? How would you answer the questions stated in the title? Some might say, “No.” The answer may depend on how you see your work, whether you like what you do or not. And how about those who don’t work, for example, those who are retired? Perhaps the

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After All These Years

AFTER ALL THESE YEARS Our high school classmates are gathering for a weekend 55th Reunion. We’ve enjoyed a pep rally at the High School, a parade through downtown, and a tailgate party before Friday night’s game. (DHS won handily.) More this morning and tomorrow. I’ve been sitting at the edges watching people reconnect after all

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