
Groundhog Day Is Real

GROUNDHOG DAY IS REAL It is true. So much of life has a Groundhog Day flavor to it, doesn’t it? We do the same things, mostly without thinking about them. We get up, check emails, eat something, have a cup of coffee, brush our teeth, take the same route to work, greet the same people,

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February Already

FEBRUARY ALREADY I like the month of February. Not sure why? Perhaps because it is a different month, with only 28 days, except in leap years like this one, with 29 days. Perhaps it is because both of my grandparents had birthdays in February. And so do I. Perhaps because here in Florida it is

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I Bumped My Toe

I BUMPED MY TOE I cut the corner too close and jammed my toe into the table leg the other day. Ouch! The first thing that hit me was how painful it was. I am not very good with pain. Then, for several days, what hit me was that I had toes. That stubbed toe

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The Robins Aren’t Here Yet

THE ROBINS AREN’T HERE YET For years my dad in Florida, then Barbara and I in North Carolina, then my sister in Philadelphia, then my sister in Boston would report when we first saw robins in the Spring. My dad would also be the first to report from Florida. Then those of us further north

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Grateful Even for a Gray Morning

GRATEFUL EVEN FOR A GRAY MORNING Gray skies greeted me this morning. Almost a mist in the air. The wind blowing from west to east. Some may feel a little depressed with the gloominess of gray. Can we be grateful even when it is gray? I think so. As with much of life gratitude is

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She Is In the Right Job

SHE IS IN THE RIGHT JOB Wendy Weisheimer, Director of the Neuroscience Institute connected with Advent Health here in Central Florida, was our speaker at Rotary this week. She has such a deep passion for what she does. From the very first seconds of her presentation, she exuded energy and knowledge and huge dreams for

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Today is “National Opposite Day”

TODAY IS “NATIONAL OPPOSITE DAY” No, it is not. Yes, it is. Let’s have fun today thinking about and playing with opposites. How about having breakfast for dinner? Deliberately taste things that are sweet and sour. Try to express opposite emotions such as sad and happy or anxious and calm. What is the opposite of

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Interesting Bird

INTERESTING BIRD I saw several on my run this morning. The white ibis. Quite a few frequent our town in Central Florida. Often I see them in groups of 10 or more. They walk around in the grass on skinny legs and poke their long curved beak into the soft soil. I assume they are

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Two Older Sisters

TWO OLDER SISTERS I was the youngest in our family growing up. I have two older sisters, Robin (5 years older) and April (4 years older). I am sure I took advantage of being the youngest. They were more capable and always ahead of me. They were already doing things like setting the table and

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