
Walking Through the Snow

WALKING THROUGH THE SNOW I am remembering walking from our apartment through barren woods, along a revolutionary war era mule-pulled barge canal, up through the snow-covered meadows of the graduate campus to seminary classes. These were wonderful, quiet walks. No headphones with music or books on tape. No companions. Bundled up, all alone with my

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Which Way Are You Seeing This?

WHICH WAY WILL YOU TAKE THIS? Take a look at what someone painted on a telephone pole. Which way will you see this? “Good God!” The world is in such a mess. Things are going so bad. Nothing is right. Life is horrible. Good God, how did it get this way? Or “God Good”. Sure,

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Souper Bowl of Caring

SOUPER BOWL and SUPER BOWL For over 30 years now people like you and me have enjoyed both The Super Bowl and The Souper Bowl. This is a decision we make to watch the big game and enjoy some fun food like hot wings, fajitas, and sliders. And we make a decision to support the

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I Got in Trouble Because of Them

I GOT IN TROUBLE BECAUSE OF THEM Do you remember The Beatles? Of course you do. Those haircuts, with their hair combed down over their foreheads. That was so radical in 1964 when they came on the scene. In junior high, I decided to comb my hair straight down over my forehead and got sent

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Crocus and Daffodils

CROCUS AND DAFFODILS We don’t really have them down here in Central Florida. I remember them when we lived in New Jersey and Virginia though. Sometimes the crocus would poke up out of the snow in late winter. Still chilly days and more cold to come, but there they were, these first hints that spring

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They Didn’t Know What This Is

THEY DIDN’T KNOW WHAT THIS IS The folks from Bake Chop, providing some early morning refreshments for the volunteers handing out packets for the upcoming MeStrong 5K, set up one of these. A couple of younger volunteers asked me what it was. It was kind of like when I visited a dairy farm as a

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How Do You Discern God’s Will?

HOW DO YOU DISCERN GOD’S WILL? Perhaps you are not interested, but if you are, how do you and I discern God’s will in our day-to-day lives? I’ll be joining about a dozen other adults this morning in a Sunday school class. We will be asking this question. We will share our own experiences of

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