
February Is Fall In Florida

FEBRUARY IS FALL IN FLORIDA Up north the leaves fall in the Fall. I guess it is the colder weather that has something to do with that. The trees pulling back to prepare for winter. When we lived up north it was fun to rake up big piles of leaves and then the boys and

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Clown Car

CLOWN CAR One of the fun days at the Merriam School was “circus day”. Things were going on all over the playground. Circus-like acts, acrobatics, … One that I remember was a whole bunch of preschoolers dressed up as clowns, piled in a small car, and coming out one after the other after the other

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Don’t Put It Off Any Longer

DON’T PUT IT OFF ANY LONGER We have heard about the two best days to plant a tree. Thirty years ago is the best day. Today is the second best day. Don’t put it off any longer. Same is true of many things. What is something that you shouldn’t put off any longer?


Two Who Were Losers

TWO WHO WERE LOSERS Both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were losers. General Washington lost battle after battle in the American Revolution. The war itself was just about lost. But, he pushed on. He crossed the Potomac River in the middle of winter, gained momentum, and eventually won the war. Abraham Lincoln lost election after

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The Story Begins

THE STORY BEGINS Mark’s Gospel starts this way, “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God”. (Mark 1:1) Mark wastes no time getting to the heart of the matter. The beginning has many levels. The first words of the book. A hook to capture our attention and draw us to read

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The Spanish Word for Saturday

THE SPANISH WORD FOR SATURDAY Do you know what the Spanish word for Saturday is? It is Sabado. Listen to this word and you hear the root word Sabbath behind it, the Biblical day of rest. The root word for Saturday is Saturn, the Roman god, which is associated with agriculture and wealth. Nothing wrong

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This Picture is Horrible

THIS PICTURE IS HORRIBLE But, the Cirque du Soliel: Drawn to Life in Orlando was fantastic. The production was amazing. Such skill and talent in the performers. A remarkable set design. The lighting and projection effects top notch. Barbara and I didn’t take a very good picture outside. We were blown away inside. The Disney

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You Are Almost There

YOU ARE ALMOST THERE How did that hit you? “You are almost there.” So many times I have needed to hear that. Recovering from a broken ankle, getting over Covid or the flu, running the recent MeStrong 5K, making it to a successful retirement, completing closing on an investment property, the birth of our sons,

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Do They Still Make These

DO THEY STILL MAKE THESE? I remember these heart-shaped little sugars when I was a kid. They came out on Valentine’s Day along with the little cards. Everyone in class would write a card to everyone else and we would each get a bunch of cards. At least that is what I remember. It was

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The Number is 74

THE NUMBER IS 74 I was, as they say, a bloody mess. I didn’t have a penny to my name. I had no clothes, couldn’t talk, was just laying there in Doctor’s Hospital in Coral Gables, Florida. Thanks to my mom, I was alive. Screaming my head off, a bit disoriented, but had pulled through,

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