
Birds Singing and Lighting and Thunder

BIRDS SINGING AND LIGHTNING AND THUNDER I stepped outside for a run a few moments ago. I was planning to go for a run. I heard two sounds. The first was the sound of the birds singing in the trees greeting the morning. The second was thunder. The two are elements of life aren’t they.

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Learning to Ride a Bike

LEARNING TO RIDE A BIKE The only way our sons or our grandchildren have learned to ride a bicycle is to get on it and ride. It may be a big scary at first, wobbly, out of control, usure what to do, and a few falls. Kind of like learning how to walk earlier in

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March Already

MARCH ALREADY Can you believe it? Two months in this new year are already in the can. It is March 1st already. Wow! I imagine many of us are really glad winter is just about over. Here in our area, this means the start of Bike Week. I can hear the motorcycles running up and

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An Afternoon Nap

AN AFTERNOON NAP There is something about an afternoon nap. My dad used to walk home from Stetson for lunch most days and would often take a 10-minute power nap in a big chair on the sun porch. He said it recharged his batteries. Both Barabara and I follow his good example, without the walk

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Inspection Day

INSPECTION DAY Inspection Day was announced for our barracks at Fort Bragg. Anything and everything could be inspected – beds made so tight a quarter could bounce off, clothes hung and folded and neatly arranged in the drawers, boots spit-shined, floors mopped and polished, windows cleaned, toilets and showers and sinks spotless, … We rose

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An Early Morning Reflection

AN EARLY MORNING REFLECTION I am sitting in the shade of a pillar on our front porch facing East this early morning. Listening to the birds greet the morning. Noticing azaleas blooming across the street. Enjoying a squirrel scampering in a tree nearby. What are you noticing where you are?


Try Again

TRY AGAIN It took two tries. I sure hope I don’t misinterpret this story. Mark tells it in Chapter 8, beginning at verse 22 Some people bring a blind man to Jesus. Jesus heals him, sort of, with a first touch. But, the man doesn’t see clearly yet, only fuzzily, still blurry sight. So, Jesus

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This Is Crazy

THIS IS CRAZY Go out tonight and look up. At least here in Florida, the skies will be clear. You’ll be able to see a full moon. There is something magic about a full moon isn’t there? Some say full moons make people crazy. Is it the change in the magnetic pull of the sun

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Birthday Present

BIRTHDAY PRESENT It was my tenth birthday. Dad said he had a surprise for me. He said, put this blindfold on, we’ll go out in the back yard, and I will show you. I was sure it was a puppy. He took me out the back door, down the steps and into yard, leading me

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