
John Was His Name

JOHN WAS HIS NAME He sat on the back row of the sanctuary. It was the middle of winter and we were experiencing a series of very cold days. He wore old, soiled clothes, probably hadn’t had a bath in weeks. He looked ragged, dirty clothes, unkempt hair. No one sat down next to him.

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I Get to Go

I GET TO GO “I have to go to work today.” On Monday morning, after they have hit their snooze button for the third time, with a sad look on their face, tired, and not looking forward to it, this is what most people say. Have you ever said this? My friend, David, says something

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Chief Shoe Giver

CHIEF SHOE GIVER “Chief Shoe Giver”. That is the job title Blake Mycoskie had at Tom’s Shoes from 2006 to 2019. Others would call him the founder and CEO. He is a dedicated Christian business leader, integrating his Christian faith and his business savvy. For every pair of shoes bought from his company, the company

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I Salute My Fellow Veterans

I SALUTE MY FELLOW VETERANS There aren’t that many of us. Veterans that is. Folks who served in our Armed Forces. The few, the proud. The ones who protect our freedoms, who put their lives on the line. I salute all those who wore the uniform and gave years or decades of their life in

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Raised $800,000 in 12 Hours

RAISED $800,000 IN 12 HOURS My friend David raised $800,000 in 12 hours yesterday. He is a multifamily investor like we are. He found an excellent property, negotiated purchase terms with the owner, put together a package for investors, and contacted his list of friends yesterday morning. By 9:00 p.m. his offer was fully subscribed.

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Simply, Put On Your Shoes

SIMPLY, PUT ON YOUR SHOES If you will do this, you can run a marathon. This one thing is the key, the foundation. Without it, there is no way. Slip your feet into your shoes. That’s it. Looking back to my first marathon, it boiled down to putting on my shoes. If I didn’t put

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Look Fear In the Face

LOOK FEAR IN THE FACE I was flying solo in a small Cessna 172 out of the DeLand airport and headed to Camp Blanding. Our ROTC cadets were at Camp Blanding on a training exercise. My job was to get the plane there, so it could be used in the training. I looked fear in

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Making Butter

MAKING BUTTER Do you remember ever making butter from heavy cream? I do. I did it as a kid and I did it with our kids. It is simple. Just one ingredient. Here is how: You pull out a mixer, pour heavy cream into a bowl, turn on the mixer, and mix. And mix. And

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Dog Walking Itself

DOG WALKING ITSELF I think it was Marisa who pointed out this picture to me. A dog walking itself. In one way this is good, the dog has achieved its independence. The dog is free to go where it wants to go. Every dog, every child, every entrepreneur loves it, don’t they — freedom! I

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Our Not My

OUR NOT MY The preacher asked us to keep our eyes open when we prayed The Lord’s Prayer one Sunday. She also asked us to hold hands with the persons standing next to us. People at the central aisle in the sanctuary even stepped out into the aisles and reached hands across to the other

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