
Who Are You Becoming?

WHO ARE YOU BECOMING? My friend George’s daughter, Jennifer, joined the soccer team at school this semester. George goes to see her games. During the warmups, she is on the field, hustling, passing balls to other players, and working harder than the other players. She doesn’t play much, but she is always cheering on her

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I Was in Junior High

I WAS IN JUNIOR HIGH It was one of those days, something like Pearl Harbor Day was for my parents. I was in junior high and sitting on a bench during a break, when the Principal came over the loudspeakers and told us all that “Kennedy has been shot.” Even as young teenagers, it took

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Say “Hello” to 10 People Today

SAY “HELLO” TO 10 PEOPLE TODAY Today is “World Hello Day”, which was founded in 1973 in response to the Yom Kippur War between Egypt and Israel. The hope was to say “hello” as a simple way of encouraging peace among people. We may not be able to do much about world peace, but we

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Imperfections — I Have Them

IMPERFECTIONS – I HAVE THEM I am bald. I am short. I am getting older every day. I have prostate cancer. I lost a tooth. I wear glasses. I have a whole slew of imperfections. How about you? I say things I wish I hadn’t said. I leave undone things I know need doing. I

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Her Work Was Her Calling

HER WORK WAS HER CALLING Sue was a grandmother. Her calling, her work was to be a grandmother. This was what God was calling her to be. Grandmothering was her profession, so to speak. Like any entrepreneur, she wanted to impact others for good. She took it seriously. With all eight grandchildren. She traveled to

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The Cat Came Back

THE CAT CAME BACK Riley, a tabby cat in our neighborhood, took a five-day adventure this past week. She didn’t tell her housemates that she was leaving and they were quite worried. They walked the neighborhood letting everyone know that Riley was missing. We all looked, but no cat, for five days. We hoped nothing

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A Child Laughing

A CHILD LAUGHING Have you forgotten how to laugh? Many of us have. I sure don’t laugh as much as I used to. “Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be.” These are part of the lyrics of Whitney Houston’s song, Greatest Love of All. She is right, isn’t she? Two things.

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Pretty Cool Robot

PRETTY COOL ROBOT This robot was lining the football field. I noticed it as I did the stairs in the stands yesterday morning. Usually, the lines are drawn by a guy, walking with a machine he pushes ahead of him. Now a robot is doing it. I found it fascinating.


Birds Out Our Windows

BIRDS OUT OUR WINDOWS We might have 20, 30, 40 or more every day. I’m talking about birds in our yard. There are cardinals, wrens, doves, crows, chickadees, starlings, blue jays, catbirds, phoebes, warblers, woodpeckers, and more. At first light, we hear them chirping and singing. Three or four pairs of cardinals show up first

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