I remember sitting in the balcony with my mom at the old First Presbyterian Church downtown, where the Bank of America is now. That was the 1950s.
I remember hanging out with some other teenagers in the kitchen, pitching pennies, skipping worship. That was in the 1960s.
I remember starting a contemporary service that met in the fellowship hall, with guitars and songs like “They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love”. That was the 1970s.
I remember being a young pastor, leading worship, officiating at the sacraments,… I remember worship in Anderson Auditorium at Montreat, down by the river at Mo Ranch, from the top of a jeep at Fort Hood, … That was the 1980s and on.
I remember “retiring” and moving back to DeLand, being able to sit next to Barbara in worship after decades of not. That was 2015.
I will be on my way to worship this morning in about an hour.