I imagine all of us struggle with this. Or, at least, I think we all might benefit if we did. I’m talking about “the will of God”.
It seems we are not very careful in the way we use this phrase. Can we even know what the will of God is? Sometimes, to me, it seems God’s will is pretty clear. Sometimes not so much.
– Is the war in the Middle East or Ukraine God’s will? If so, how? If not, why not?
– How do I know I am not just projecting my will when I say something is God’s will?
– When a friend or family member dies, is that God’s will?
– Should I marry this person, take this job, move to this town? What is God’s will? Or maybe it doesn’t matter to me what God’s will is.
Weatherhead’s book is less than 100 pages long, but tackles a huge, difficult topic.
About a dozen of us at our church are starting a series tomorrow, using Leslie Weatherhead’s book with the same title THE WILL OF GOD.
Weatherhead wrote from London during World War II as the Germans were bombing London. His church was destroyed.
I find his exploration of this phrase very helpful. I think joining with others to hear, seek to understand, and apply what we learn will be helpful, too.