From Depths to Heights


They were dead tired. Several days travel by foot, over rocky hills, traversing dangerous rushing streams, sleeping on uneven ground, added to the wear on their bodies.

It didn’t help that she was pregnant, very much so.

As their story is told, they finally made it to their destination, a tiny town called Bethlehem. But, beat as they were, they found no lodging. They were feeling the depths of despair, no doubt. Just think about what it must have been like.

Out back of the inn, in a makeshift shelter, without help from any medical staff, she gave birth to a son.

Imagine their joy with the healthy birth, holding this newborn in their arms, wrapping him in bands of cloth to keep him warm.

A bright star in the dark night sky beamed down upon this child. Shepherds came and bowed down before him, telling stories of an angelic host that told them of the birth of their Savior, Christ, the Lord.

From depths to heights, this night long ago, which we celebrate tonight, Christmas Eve.


3 comments on “From Depths to Heights”

  1. Marshall Rice Reply

    How many times have you and I been in situations where things just weren’t right? Seems like we deserve better, our family deserves better, better housing, a better job, circumstances that were favorable but it just didn’t happen. I’m sure Mary and Joseph thought that, how can this be happening giving birth in a stable with the animals, just not right for a royal birth. But it was! Our circumstances and surroundings don’t control us, God is in control if we place our faith in Him. Press On with your eye on the vertical instead of the horizontal. Merry Christmas!

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