Do you know what a mastermind is?
I have been in masterminds, several different ones, for most of my adult life.
One was a group of 4 young pastors, fresh out of seminary, that met at the YMCA every week to play racquetball and talk. We helped each other by bringing challenges we were facing and tapping into each other’s minds and hearts to find solutions.
Another was a group of Colonels in the 75th Division that met for breakfast every week. The Chief of Staff gathered us to help us create deep, effective relationships. We shared problems in our sections of the command and brought our various skills and expertise to help fellow leaders address those problems.
They are a bit more structured and disciplined than a casual group.
Being in a mastermind provides a safe place to share goals and be accountable for working on them, a place to have access to the broad experience and knowledge of others, and a place of support and encouragement. Masterminds accelerate success.
I know of woodworking masterminds, masterminds of retirees, real estate investors masterminds, masterminds with only women, …
Do you want to engage in a mastermind in 2024?