Our high school classmates are gathering for a weekend 55th Reunion. We’ve enjoyed a pep rally at the High School, a parade through downtown, and a tailgate party before Friday night’s game. (DHS won handily.)
More this morning and tomorrow.
I’ve been sitting at the edges watching people reconnect after all these years. The smiles, the hugs, the joy of seeing one another and making time to connect, after all these years.
Not everyone had the greatest time in high school. There are things we did that we wish we hadn’t, things we said, stupid stuff, feelings were hurt, along with the great times of our youth.
We’ve lived five decades of life apart from each other. We haven’t seen many of them since high school. But, there is something that binds us together, that resonates deeply.
I have a smile on my face as I write this.
What is it that just simply enjoys being together, remembering, catching up after all these years?

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57Ann Adams Shanley, Diane Fouts and 55 others